Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I don't have any preference to be honest, only with two points:

I'm wondering the styles everyone prefers. If we're going for hyper songs, I really like Jason's proposal of Stanley's Cold Water Shower.

Why don't we ask Jo about his opinion? I think i don't need to practice as much as you guys. If the pitch is too high for me, practicing more doesn't help either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


要與聽眾有共鳴的話: 冷水澡 孫悟空 被動
要high的話: 孫悟空 終結孤單(Derek唱這個不知道感覺會不會到) 尬車
適合Derek: 惡魔 被動 冷水澡 海闊天空 愛情萬歲
stay away也夠high只是語言問題